Buncombe County has a great recipe for forcing a welfare state. I think I mentioned this before here, but it is worth repeating:
Voter registration programs are actively conducted through many agencies in this State. If a person is applying for or receiving benefits from any of the participating agencies or programs, a voter registration transaction is available during the conduct of any business with that office. The following programs and agencies are currently participating in the agency voter registration program:
- Social Services
- Work First
- Food Stamps
- Medicaid
- Services for the Blind
- Department of Health
- Women, Infants and Children (WIC)
- Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services
- Vocational Rehabilitation
- Governor’s Advocacy Council for Persons with Disabilities
- Employment Security Commission
- All of the Buncombe County Libraries provide registration forms also.
Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV):
The driver’s license examination offices . . .
The next step might be unionizing, so the boss man won’t let the working people off to pick up a registration form, or vote.