So says the city’s Human Relations Commission in a meeting dicussing the Southern Law Center’s report citing the increase in so-called ‘hate groups’:
The forum included speakers from four minority groups in Greensboro: Harmohindar Singh, an East Indian; Romallus Murphy, an African American; Maha Zamamiri, a Muslim; and Jose Villalba, a Latino.
Villalba, a member of the commission, said he has heard about various bias incidents in Greensboro, including police checkpoints that appear to be targeted toward Latinos and racial discrimination against children.
Villalba said there is no way to avoid the fact that there is hate in Greensboro.
The only way to address it, he said, is for people to become more self-aware.
“It sickens me that as a community we can’t become more aware,” he said.
Interesting that the report cites President Obama’s successful campaign and the economic recession as two of the three factors (along with illegal immigration) for the increase in hate groups, yet the story leads with “number of hate groups in America is growing rapidly — jumping 50 percent since 2000.
Does that cause and effect scenario make sense, considering the fact that the evil Bush administration held its grip on the country during the ‘rapid rise’ in hate groups?