Imagine you’re a reporter covering a debate between your state’s two
senatorial candidates. You go back to the newsroom and write up your story,
never mentioning the item that became the huge story of the week: a TV
reporter’s idiotic question about one candidate’s grandfather maybe
being Jewish.

Then, the very next day, you write a story alluding to the event you totally ignored a day before. The reporter wrote:

Allen erupted when a media panelist asked him to respond to Internet reports that his maternal grandfather was Jewish.

But he should have added:

Of course, I was too dumb to realize this was news. Or maybe I
was making the judgement that you, dear reader, should be spared this
ridiculous question and Allen’s response. Or maybe I had just left to
go to the restroom.

Whatever the reason, I would have loved to hear his city editor asking about it.