If North Carolina is going to raise taxes, add new regulations, and mandate new restrictions on the use of your property, you would hope those changes would lead to tangible benefits.
But Roy Cordato says the debate over global warming policy in North Carolina has avoided economically sound discussion of real costs and benefits. He explains in this week’s Carolina Journal Radio how consultants have helped skew the process.
Speaking of costs and benefits, Daren Bakst discusses flaws in a state transportation policy that focuses more on environmental and social policy goals than on moving people from point A to point B. You’ll also hear about the costs and benefits of globalization from Doug Bandow of the group Policy for Citizen Outreach.
John Dodd of the Jesse Helms Center Foundation will explain his group’s efforts to promote the film “The Call of the Entrepreneur,” and the head of the national group Americans for Prosperity ? Tim Phillips ? will share his thoughts about North Carolina’s tax burden.