After an eventful August recess, members of Congress are now haggling over health-care reform in Washington, D.C. Before they returned to the capital, North Carolina?s two U.S. senators had a chance to share their ideas about reform with local reporters. You?ll hear comments from Kay Hagan and Richard Burr during the next edition of Carolina Journal Radio.
You?ll also hear why Tracy Walsh, a breast cancer survivor from South Carolina, is adding her voice to the national health-care debate through a recent Americans for Prosperity television ad.
The governor and state lawmakers left many decisions about this year?s education budget cuts in the hands of local school boards. That strategy has led to some finger-pointing between the Wake County school system and the Department of Public Instruction. Terry Stoops will analyze that controversy.
Roy Cordato will explain why the state?s latest ozone data suggest we should breathe easier, and management expert Mark McNeilly will tell us how Sun Tzu?s classic military text, The Art of War, applies to the business world.