When I think of the words “Arrogance of Power,” my mind immediately focuses on Michigan Wolverine football (the true “evil empire” of the college sports world).
But in a serious context, former Connecticut Gov. John Rowland has firsthand experience with the downside of the arrogance, sense of entitlement, and “conscious avoidance” that go along with unchecked power. He’ll share his thoughts with us on this weekend’s Carolina Journal Radio.
Voters head to the polls in 18 days, and John Hood will offer his expertise on the major races in this “Blue Moon” election. Roy Cordato updates us on developments in the N.C. debate over global warming.
Plus, we’ll spend some time focusing on Carolina FreedomNet 2006, the statewide blogging conference covered in the Locker Room in real time a couple of weekends ago. In addition to a report on the panel discussions, we’ll offer a one-on-one chat with Scott Johnson, the Power Line blogger who helped expose the phony National Guard documents that gave CBS News a black eye.