One suspects Terry Stoops would agree with at least the first three items mentioned in Bloomberg Businessweek‘s new roundtable discussion of the best ways to “fix” public education. These ideas come from Louis Gerstner, former IBM chairman and CEO and author of Reinventing Education: Entrepreneurship in America’s Schools.

We know what it takes to fix the public schools. We need to do four things that are so self-evident it’s hard to believe we’re still debating it. First, we need high academic standards and a curriculum that will allow our kids to meet them. Two, we need to have a system to measure whether the kids are meeting those standards. Three, we need far better teachers in our schools. Four, more time on task. We need a longer school day and a longer school year. Those four things are hard to argue against, so why are we not making progress? We’re not making progress because we’re not executing.

Except for the longer school day and school year, Terry’s been discussing similar ideas for years.