Two North Carolina letter writers take TIME to task this week for a recent cover story about the Tea Party’s impact on American politics.
TIME highlights two anti-Tea Party letters from Nevada and Ohio, then offers us this contribution:
I am not a Tea Party supporter, but I have thoroughly enjoyed watching its throw-the-bums-out success and how it has both parties and the media whining about everything it does. As for the cries about how Tea Party members have hijacked our wonderful lawmaking process, I have not heard anyone explain how just a few dozen of them managed to outvote the other 300-plus members of the House. If the Democrats and remaining Republicans had worked together, the Tea Party could not have had any influence on the debt talks. So who is to blame for the bill that everybody hates? John Anthony, WILSON, N.C.
After another critical letter from a Richmond reader, you’ll find the following:
TIME’s cover blurb was “How the Tea Party Hijacked America.” The article within was “The Tea Party’s Triumph.” There’s an important difference between those headlines. I know you want your covers to attract attention. I think you went too far this time. Joseph W. Koletar, BOLIVIA, N.C.
These comments remind this observer of Michael Barone’s discussion of the Tea Party and its impact during a 2010 interview with Carolina Journal Radio/