While the SBI investigates, the Alamance County Sheriff’s department says Sheriff Terry Johnson must approve all jail tours. My question is, if the alleged assault on the youth who was supposedly taking a “scared straight” tour happened anyway, how’s Johnson’s clearance going to keep it happening again?

On another note, Burlington Times-news editor Madison Taylor apologizes for blowing the story:

The Alamance County Sheriff’s Department did its job on this one. Its representatives sent a press release by fax at around 4 p.m. — at about the time we have our daily meeting to discuss what’s going in the next day’s newspaper. It arrived in plenty of time for us to do a story for today’s paper.

But the fax didn’t get to its destination until this morning. It got placed in a mail slot for one of our editors. Late in the day most people don’t check their mailboxes. Sometimes people do, lots of times they don’t. Most days it’s not a problem one way or another.

This time they didn’t. This time it was a problem……Nothing is worse than coming in on a Wednesday morning only to find yourself completely embarrassed. I apologize to readers.