Writing in The American, Christina Hoff Sommers has this frightening article. Her subject is the ridiculous demand for “gender equity” in university science and math programs.

Naturally, the political busybodies who make their living out of bogus causes have latched on to the fact that there are far more men than women in math and science departments and more men than women students enrolled in their courses, and declared that federal intervention is necessary to solve this imaginary problem.

Sommers reports on a recent congressional hearing replete with rhetoric like this from Donna Shalala: There is a “hostile climate” crisis in university science that “clearly calls for a transformation of academic institutions….Our nation’s future depends on it.”

Sorry, Donna, but the nation’s future depends on leaving things alone. Math and science are the areas of American higher ed where the breezy fads of the multiculturalist/egalitarian left have done no damage so far. Resisting this idiotic crusade will take some courage — a trait lacking in most politicians of both sexes.