Tonight, the Buncombe County Commissioners entered into an agreement that was described as “unprecedented, unprecedented!” With all due respect to transparency, the public was given one page of bullet stuff, 178 words to be exact. It was proposed that the county sell a building and donate the proceeds, in the amount of $1.3 million to the Enka Youth Sports Organization. Said organization was just invented a little while ago to do things that 501(c)(3)’s can. The EYSO would also receive 90 acres, valued at $8.6 million, from Fletcher Partners; $2.4 million from the TDA, and $1 million in private funding. Donations would go toward the construction of a recreation park. The commissioners were just falling over themselves with excitement. Brownie Newman argued for caution, since local governments have gotten into bad deals before. Ellen Frost thought it was high time her peers stopped talking about timing and other talking points lodged by fiscal conservatives. She hoped this would be the start of new patterns. Chair David Gantt explained that this is what government does.
by Leslee Kulba
Wild West blogger