Editors at Investor’s Business Daily wish major media outlets would focus on serious scandals that do not involve the latest furor surrounding President Trump.
As news outlets dissect every new crumb in the alleged Trump-Russia-collusion scandal, they’re largely ignoring other, very troubling scandals that happen to involve the previous administration. …
… Unmasking Scandal: On Monday, Judicial Watch announced that it hit a dead end in its effort to dig out information about why White House advisor Susan Rice ordered an “unmasking” of Trump campaign officials in classified reports. In response to Judicial Watch’s April 4 request for materials related to these unmasking requests — to determine whether they were politically motivated — the National Security Council said it had sent all those records to Obama’s presidential library, where they can’t be released for five years. …
… Loretta Lynch Scandal: Despite blanket coverage of James Comey’s testimony about his firing by Trump, few noted the bombshell Comey dropped about Obama’s attorney general, Loretta Lynch, who, Comey said, pressured him to downplay the significance of the FBI’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s reckless handling of classified emails on her private server. Comey said Lynch told him to call it a “matter,” not an investigation. …
… NSA Spying Scandal: In late May, Circa News published a truly bombshell report about how the National Security Agency had been conducting illegal searches on American citizens for years, “routinely violat(ing) American privacy protections while scouring through overseas intercepts.” In addition, the administration “failed to disclose the extent of the problems until the final days before Donald Trump was elected president last fall.”