Kevin Daley of the Daily Caller offers a progress report on President Trump’s federal judicial appointments.
The Senate is processing President Donald Trump’s judicial nominees at an impressive clip.
This week is perhaps the high-water mark of the GOP’s judicial confirmation operation, an aggressive effort to pack the federal bench with young conservative jurists. …
… The confirmation bonanza resulted from a concerted push from conservative groups, including The Heritage Foundation and the Judicial Confirmation Network, to quicken the pace of confirmations, fearing Senate Republicans would squander the opportunity to confirm federal judges as the GOP struggles to navigate the mire of its own internal divisions. …
… Circuit court confirmations are a meaningful accomplishment for a Republican Congress that has struggled to implement its policy priorities. Federal circuit courts have supervisory authority over all federal trial courts, and issue the final word on 99 percent of all federal cases. A raft of confirmations to these courts will affect an ideological and interpretative realignment across the federal bench of the sort conservative jurists have long aspired to.
The pace of these confirmations is also quite rapid as compared to recent years. Just two appeals court nominees were confirmed during the final two years of former President Barack Obama’s administration — six Trump nominees have been confirmations in just ten months, with two more expected before the end of the week.