From “Agriculture and Rural Sociology” at NC State:
After the Civil War, poor Whites’ “allies” in maintaining the right to put Blacks down were those Whites who ran the justice system and the legislature, led by the Klan, or agreed to hire on the basis of race but not to pay a living wage. But this meant that:
a. poor Whites’ “allies” were the same class that was profiting from their unsafe and underpaid labor
b. poor Whites were allying themselves with the very people who were the cause of their bony fingers
c. a and b
Answer for test credit: c.
In the mid-1800s, just as in the South, landowners and employers in the North were dependent upon the state to protect their “right” to drain their workers. Legislators were capitalists themselves or obligated to capitalists for support. Which of the following is FALSE regarding actions the legislators took to secure privileges for themselves and their rich friends?
a. The legislators passed laws that upheld owners rights to work people literally to death and to ignore the human needs of their families.
b. The legislators supported and encouraged workers to organize unions to improve their position.
c. The legislators provided enormous financial help to corporations ? free land and advantageous tax laws.
Answer for test credit: b.