I’ll just give the quotations from the article:

1. “In an interview Monday with The Associated Press, Christensen — a tenured professor with 15 years at N.C. Wesleyan — defended her course. ‘This is a war by the extreme right wing motivated by the Zionists to quash academic freedom on campus,’ she said.”

2. “Ian Newbould, N.C. Wesleyan’s president, defended Christensen in an interview. ‘We don’t tell professors what to think. We don’t tell professors what to teach. The Eastern European Communist regimes, or Saddam Hussein for that matter, that’s what they did,’ Newbould said Monday. ‘What makes America great is we don’t do that. I’ve often used a quotation that they say comes from Voltaire, ‘I may disagree with what you say but I’ll fight to your death your right to say it.’

I wonder, did the Zionists cause Newbould to botch Voltaire, too?