The president added another $34 billion to the deficit and debt when he signed a bill to extend unemployment benefits until after the election. It could have been paid for. But instead, it’s been dumped on the already astronomical debt pile that Erskine Bowles says is a fiscal cancer.

Just as frustrating is the lack of White House response to a serious, legitimate question from CBS News. Note the response of White House spokesman and former Bob Etheridge aide Robert Gibbs. (emphasis is mine)

But Republicans were quick to remind Mr. Obama what he said after signing a previous extension of unemployment benefits on November 6th of last year.

“Now, it’s important to note that the bill I signed will not add to our deficit. It is fully paid for, and so it is fiscally responsible,” he said.

So eight months ago, he said paying for the benefits was the right thing to do, but now he sees no need to do so.

Asked about the contradiction, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said he needed to examine what Mr. Obama said last November and would get back to this reporter. He didn’t.