Cecil Bothwell is running for Congress, seeking to unseat Blue Dog Democrat Heath Shuler. Listing planks of a candidate’s platform might be construed to be a violation of some sense that candidates are entitled to equal time. Yet, Bothwell is so controversial, his views are likely to be considered self-defeatist. Below are a few excerpts from Bothwell’s platform:
We must implement public financing of all political campaigns.
We must create meaningful programs to protect children, to ensure that our nation’s next generations are well fed, healthy and educated. This includes support for mothers or primary care-givers during the first five years of a child’s life, funding public elementary education and approval of the ERA. It also necessarily includes science-based environmental protection so we leave our children a living planet.
We should devalue the dollar.
We must introduce a public option to the recently enacted health care legislation and then move toward a single-payer system.
Evolution happened. Get over it. We can’t afford to teach fairy tales in science classes.
We should supply full funding for Planned Parenthood and offer comprehensive sex education in schools.