Gee, wouldn’t it be nice to have actual conservative activists — as opposed to Republican fundraisers — on the UNC Board of Governors long about now?
Otherwise the Uptown crowd scheme to blow up a semester of UNCC’s academic calendar in order to provide lodging to DNC convention personnel will sail right to fruition.
Besides, the only way UNCC gets paid $500 a night for rooms is if the host committee pays it, which means if Duke Energy pays it, which means either Duke: a) stockholders pay it or b) ratepayers pay it. Does not seem fair at any price.
If I’m a UNCC student who would be impacted in any way by this, I’m thinking about a lawsuit long about now. I certainly do not recall other cities having their institutions of higher learning rolling over for a political convention while abandoning their students in the process.
Then again, we learned during the transit tax repeal fiasco of 2007 that UNCC is not so much a university as it is a cheap date for whatever it is the Uptown crowd is into at the moment. Phil Dubois couldn’t be a bigger whore even if he put on pumps and lipstick and worked the bus station.
Bonus Observation: Clip-n-Save:
…[Tim] Newman said Police Chief Rodney Monroe asked CRVA to reach out to UNCC as well as Johnson C. Smith University and Johnson & Wales University about the availability of rooms for extra security personnel. Newman said he also asked the schools about rooms for some of the hundreds of convention volunteers.
So the schools are completely OK with a) “security personnel” bringing weapons into their dorms b) adults drinking when off-duty on campus? Certainly the “volunteers” will be under no prohibitions on their behavior — unless the schools themselves try to do it. That would be pretty funny.