Unless I missed something since last July, Mac Everett serves on the Bobcat executive board and owns a chunk of the franchise. The former Wachovia exec and all-around Charlotte Mr. Insider joined the Bobcats when Michael Jordan was handed the basketball operations side.
Now Everett has just been named the head of the seven-member study committee looking at the question of football for UNCC. That seems to be a tough spot to put Everett in.
UNCC football would compete directly with the Bobcats for the local sports fan dollar. The seasons would directly overlap by a couple months — October and November — and the season ticket plans would compete for the entire year. They’d also compete for media coverage and sponsorships.
A major problem with all the sports and entertainment central planning that goes on in the Charlotte in the failure to recognize that you cannot create disposable dollars out of thin air. By appointing Everett to study UNCC football this assumption is again implicit. The only way you do not see a conflict is if you assume no competition for a relatively finite market.
But, what’s done is done. Let’s hope Everett and crew do the best possible job of waying the pros and cons of UNCC football. As we’ve said repeatedly, the biggest pro is that the 49ers’ athletic status quo cannot long survive.