Did anyone else notice that university officials killed off UNCC a couple weeks ago? Pronounced UNCC dead and gone. The “UNCC era” has been “retired” replaced by “a different university now,” the university declared in a press release.
And that university shall be called — UNC Charlotte.
Oh. I actually thought it was a bigger deal when UNC-C went to UNCC. Remember all those “I lost my hyphen” at UNCC jokes and I swear a t-shirt or two. UNCC actually was easy to say and write and remember. UNC Charlotte is clumsy.
With the new name comes a new logo, of course, and the various re-designs that will go along with that. Cost not specified but figure six maybe reaching seven figures when all is said and done. And why was this said and done? To associate the school with “two major brand influences – being part of one of the most highly regarded public university systems in the world and the city of Charlotte, one of the most successful cities in the New South…”
Ah. Branding. That’s just super. UNC Harrisburg it is then.
Bonus Observation: So is the uncc.edu domain being moth-balled as well? C’mon it is a branding opportunity people.