And coming as no surprise to George Leef or me, this “new poverty” is “Low-Income Work.” Well! We simply must raise the minimum wage now! We can’t have all those low-income workers suddenly living in the New Poverty!
The press release announcing the panel discussion on the “New Poverty” also means, of course, that the UNC Center on Poverty, Work and Opportunity has finally done something.1 In fact, today there will be a press conference and lecture given by John Edwards himself on the subject of “the mission and programs for the center. He will introduce staff and field questions.” Media sycophants are given assurance that “Edwards will be available to speak with media representatives after completing the question-answer session with lecture attendees.”2
1. Alas, let me bid a fond farewell to my
“cut & paste” posts.
2. To be strictly BYOD ? bring your own Depends? ? standard operating procedure since Edwards’ late 2003 press conference to announce his candidacy for the presidency, which was reportedly a very moving affair with not a dry seat in the house.