In the 1940s, the federal government flooded a road in Swain County to construct Lake Fontana. In return for the economic losses incurred by dead-ending the county, the government promised to rebuild the road whenever Congress got around to appropriating the money. It further added a clause to the agreement saying it would not be a violation of the contract if the government never appropriated a dime. Now, thanks to the lobbying of Heath Shuler, Congress is offering to put $12.8 million into a North Carolina trust fund (slush fund?) and allow Swain to draw down $800,000 in interest a year. In addition, they are promising to add $39.2 million to the trust fund if and when they feel like it. $52 million is the value of the 1940s road plus tax and interest. The cost of building a new road is estimated to be $600 million. It is anticipated the commissioners of the economically-distraught county will approve the settlement Friday.
by Leslee Kulba
Wild West blogger