The latest Forbes column from John Locke Foundation Health and Human Services Policy Analyst Katherine Restrepo focused on the anti-competitive problems created by North Carolina’s certificate-of-need law. The Daily Haymaker website took note of Restrepo’s column.

The Raleigh News and Observer and Charlotte Observer quoted Vice President for Research and Resident Scholar Roy Cordato in an article about tax changes incorporated in the new state budget. A Fayetteville Observer editorial cited Economics and Regulatory Policy Analyst Michael Lowrey‘s latest By The Numbers report on local government tax-and-fee burdens. The Lenoir News-Topic highlighted Director of Regulatory Studies Jon Sanders‘ critique of the state lottery’s recent game involving scratch-and-sniff cards. N.C. Senate Republicans promoted Sanders’ column on renewable energy cronies’ role in a proposed new state study committee.

Chapel Hill’s Daily Tar Heel interviewed Terry Stoops about the state education budget. The Kernersville News published his column about full funding of state school choice options. The N.C. Spin website promoted Stoops’ research newsletter analyzing the state’s new K-12 education budget. N.C. Senate Republicans’ daily press email cited Stoops’ column on misperceptions involving state school spending.