The Ludwig von Mises Institute and Lew Rockwell have been drawn into the controversy involving some past Ron Paul newsletters that some are calling racist and hompophobic:

The newsletters that appeared under his name were published by
M&M Graphics and Advertising, a company run by Mr Paul’s longtime
congressional campaign manager Mark Elam?which Mr Elam himself
confirms. And according to numerous veterans of the libertarian
movement, it was an open secret
during the late-80s and early-90s who was ghostwriting the portions of
Mr Paul’s newsletters not penned by the congressman himself: Lew
Rockwell, founder of the Ludwig von Mises Institute, and members of his
staff, among them Jeffrey Tucker, now editorial vice president of the

Mr Rockwell denied authorship to Jamie Kirchick, the reporter whose New Republic article published earlier this week reignited controversy over the newsletters. But both Mr Rockwell (who attacked the New Republic article on his site) and Mr Tucker refused to discuss the matter with Democracy in America. (“Look at,” Mr Tucker told me, “I’m willing to take any responsibility for anything up there, OK?”)