Since I will be out of town next week, and do not have time to write a full-fledged comment on the topic of John?s Daily Journal of yesterday, I?m linking the following pieces on vouchers, religious schools, establishment issues, and lessons from overseas:
Dwight Lee, on the political economy of vouchers.
Jefferson and founders on establishment of religion and the state.
The Freeman, on the voucher trap (note: from 1971, I believe).
The Center for Education Policy has a number of research reports.
Cato Institute: a debate on vouchers.
Heartland Institute.
Education Week joins the debate.
Voucher experience in Chile.
AERA on voucher experience in Wales.
My articles from the June 2003 issue of CJ (pp 7 & 8), on the Blaine Amendments and Zelman decision.
Post Zelmantrue private choice, from Cato.
Critique of the government education habitfrom the Freeman.
Rethinking and the role of vouchers.
The Separation of School and State Alliance, on vouchers.
The Freeman on school choice.
And finally, the Home School Legal Defense Association on vouchers and access to public schools.

Finally, after viewing the video of the CATO conference John mentions, I would like to point out some remarks offered by Andrew Coulson of the Macinac Center for Public Policy. Coulson spoke on the evidence of the effects of vouchers fro private religious schools in Holland, and noted that ?pillarization? of Dutch society has evaporated since the 1970?s — and vouchers. ?In fact,? he stated, ?the Dutch have become significantly less religious since they had access to subsidized religious schools.?

If you only care about the survival of public schools, this kind of change isn?t an issue. For many it is one of, if not the main, issue.
Note: the non-working links have been fixed