Guess this is filler after the Labor Day weekend —-nothing new in this HPE story on the proposed Randolph County regional landfill:
The Randolph County Board of Commissioners is moving closer to realizing its vision for building a regional landfill.
The board recently approved spending $367,000 that will allow for more studies, permits and public hearings to be held on the proposed project.
According to Finance Director William Massie, the estimated $201.8 million, 300-acre landfill will cost the county about $2 million to get off the ground and will be developed in phases over a 30-year period. Initial money is coming from the county’s landfill fund.
“It is the county’s responsibility to see that solid waste is disposed of,” Massie said. “We will probably seek the expertise of a firm that handles things like this, such as Waste Industries or Waste Management, and sell them a franchise to use our land and operate the landfill for us. The county will not have as much of the up-front commitment to build the cells and things like that. Those companies have the expertise and will handle that.”
The question is whether or not Greensboro should base its waste disposal strategy based on this information.