to explain why the minimum wage is bad for America’s youth, especially black youth here.

  The little bit of money a kid could earn after school and on the
weekends is not nearly as important as the other benefits from early
work experiences. Any kind of job, paying any wage, teaches a youngster
that he must be on time, respect supervisors, develop good work habits,
plus there’s the self-esteem and pride that comes from being at least
financially semi-independent. Early work experiences benefit any kid
but are far more important for kids from broken homes, who reside in
crime-ridden neighborhoods and attend rotten schools. If they are to
learn anything that will make them a more valuable employee in the
future, it will have to come from work; they won’t learn it at home or
in the schools. For Congress to enact higher and higher minimum wages,
to benefit their union supporters, is shameful and cruel.
(emphasis added)