The local daily is doing its part to solve the housing crisis. It is bringing experts from the fields of government, urban planning, and development together in a forum to answer questions like:
Our middle class has gotten lost, and Asheville proves unaffordable for many. So how do we support and expand the middle class? How do we take charge of our future to make this a city for everyone?
The event will take place next Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. at the Diana Wortham Theatre. Not ironically, when I opened the article online, an ad featuring National’s Control Freak character displayed.
If anybody out there cared what I might try to contribute, I would highly recommend consideration of this most clarifying article to anybody looking for a solution instead of the vicious cycle of centralizing control to provide more government services, which require more people to be taxed into needing the services. However, I suspect the ideas, which are not unique to the author, would be given the same response that presidential candidate gave:
Hyeh he he he he ha ha ha ha. Well. Ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. (Wipe tear.) Ha Ha ha ha.