I didn’t get off work in time to attend any of the events at the Hickory Tea Party Summit tonight. I’m torn about tomorrow. I really need to spend my time trying to make a business profitable. After all, I don’t have the luxury of running an unprofitable business on ARRA dollars or collecting Disability or Unemployment. The opposition, however, has at its disposal masses with no responsibilities for meeting customer demand or paying bills. The game is so one-sided.
Beyond feeling an obligation to attend, I would like to go because everybody who’s anybody (except you, Cinderella) appears to be there. I need to rub elbows with people in the know and get the straight dope in some of those good off-the-record conversations. It helps in keeping the foot out of the mouth.
Tell your mice to click here so they know where to take your golden pumpkin, and hopefully we’ll meet tomorrow.