I’ve blogged previously about the admiration for Southwest Airlines. It’s an efficient, money-making operation that is always looking to make flying easier, faster, and cheaper for its customers. This piece illustrates that the competitive, entrepreneurial spirit of the operation hasn’t been dashed by the recession. We need more folks who think like this. It’s what America is all about.
Southest Airlines may have lost out on its bid to buy Denver’s Frontier Airlines, but Southwest chairman/CEO Gary Kelly says he’s still looking for an ailing carrier to snap up.
“Even Tiger Woods doesn’t win every tournament,” Kelly said in an interview Thursday with the Wall Street Journal. “We’ll be back in the game for the next tournament. It’s a matter of being opportunistic. Any time you’ve got a competitor failing in bankruptcy, that presents an opportunity. Absent bankruptcy, I think it’s pretty difficult to make airline mergers work for a variety of reasons.”