The Chapel Hill town council voted unanimously to raise the property tax rate by 2 cents. Amazingly, councilman Matt Czajkowski voted for the budget despite this stunning acknowledgment.

“We will drive a few of those neediest among us out of Chapel Hill when we pass this budget,” Czajkowski said. “Every time we raise taxes, for whatever good purpose, we make it harder and harder for people with modest or even above modest means to live here.”

Still, Czajkowski said he would vote in favor of the budget because he thought Town Manager Roger Stancil did a great job producing a budget that fairly balances the needs of the town and its citizens.

“I will vote for it with a heavy heart because I know that some of the very people we are constantly talking about serving in Chapel Hill won’t be here for us to serve after we pass this budget,” Czajkowski said.

Remember, he voted for the budget.