Here’s a luncheon you don’t want to miss on Wednesday, December 9.
The latest on the Global Warming scam, Live From Copenhagen
Please join Dallas Woodhouse, State Director of Americans for Prosperity and Roy Cordato, Vice President for Research at the John Locke Foundation for the latest on the efforts to steal your prosperity through climate change legislation.
AFP’s Tim Phillips and Phil Kerpen will join us live via satelitte from Copenhagenwith Lord Monckton and other European free-market leaders who will detail the hypocrisy of this U.N. conference and explain how cap-and-trade has killed jobs and raised energy prices in their nations.
We will also hear from Steve Moore (FOX News contributor and Wall Street Journal editorial board writer).and other leaders on the threat to the U.S. economy from the climate change scam.
The President of the United States will be in Copenhagen that day, and you can make your voice heard by attending this special luncheon event
Wednesday December 9th Noon.
Price including lunch is 10.00
You may also pay at the door.
200 West Morgan Street
Suite 100
Raleigh, NC 27601
Register here.