In our many experiences and arguments with leftists, my friends and I have frequently encountered something we have come to regard as The Rant ? that moment when a leftist becomes so agitated about the politics of the moment that he abandons all rules of syntax and just lets fly with a barrage of angry, unconnected words1. The effect is quite comical. We assume it must have some purgative benefit for the speaker as well.
I make mention of this because there’s a wonderful example of The Rant in today’s chapelhill.indymedia.org2 “news”:
350 bombs go off simultaneously, like a test for bush nukes here in usa, then a tsunami like ENMOD event there…mossad members left country en masse last week…they know…either that or they know how the people will react when it is revealed we are all radiation damaged by fortress ENMOD tech done on us by beezlebub bush…this smells like more bush/blair nwo terror to me.
1. We’re not the only ones to notice. So has Mike Reed, satirist of Internet personalities, who also has depicted it.
2. Not coincidentally, that site provided the Locker Room with a previous example of The Rant.