I do not want to make fun of the homeless, as I could join their ranks any day. I am, however, going to point out that in the 11th year of the Ten Year Plan to End Homelessness, 562 folks were counted as homeless. Of course, there is no problem with the program. Homelessness numbers are up because there are more shelters, and homeless people are easy to find for counting when they are in a facility. Another reason is the economy.*

*In case you didn’t notice, I am “speaking like a fool.” I found back when I worked with physicists that the word “energy” was used whenever people didn’t understand whereof they spoke. In social studies, “economy” is the word. Not ironically, economists can explain how Adam Smith’s invisible hand works, while government leaders scoff at its existence, only to invoke a truly invisible hand, manifesting neither in reason nor effect, to rationalize that programs that work against Smith’s most basic economic articulations are supposed to work.

The fact that this post is appearing on a John Locke Foundation site should make it implicit that the solution offered with the criticism is that government should shrink and become less costly so The Wee People can cover their own fundamental expenses, like food, clothing and shelter.