“Failure of either of them [Freddie and Fannie] would cause great turmoil in our financial markets here at home and around the globe,” Paulson said. (Sept. 8)

“We are days away from the collapse of a good part of th financial system if we don’t act. The stakes are as high as we have seen them in a generation,” Paulson told Sen. Bob Casey (D., Pa.) and other officials Friday, according tothe senator. (Paulson, September 21)

Paulson added that it was “imperative” that Congress pass the bailout this week.
Sept. 23rd. 

“I feel great urgency, and I believe it’s got to be don this week or before you leave,” Paulson said. (Sept. 24th)

Paulson told the same panel that the economy was being hit by a subprime home loan “chain reaction” and that if Congress did not move fast, the consequences “would threaten all parts of our economy. (Sept. 24)

Paulson lies! Socialism thrives!