If you wonder what motivates Tea Party protesters, it’s not just the outrageous spending and growth of government. It’s also the sense that politicians and business/industry/union/banking cronies have stacked the deck against normal people who are just going about their lives without trying to game the system.
This latest report, that high U.S. Department of Education officials colluded with Wall Street fat cats (you know, the ones who supported Obama in 2008) to share important information before its official release, is just the most recent example:
Today Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) sent letters to the Director of Enforcement for the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and U.S. Department of Education Secretary Arne Duncan to share records CREW obtained through its Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against Education. These documents show high-level Education officials colluded with Wall Street short-sellers, improperly leaking the contents of highly controversial gainful employment regulations in advance of their publication.
The American middle class has realized it’s truly us against them. It’s us against politicians, us against bankers, us against unions, us against the media, us against the federal government, us against state government, us against local government, us against lawyers, us against insurance companies and us against the medical industry.
And they wonder why we’re angry (though we’re certainly more civil than those union thugs in Wisconsin).