President Obama wants Americans to believe that an increase in the unemployment rate is good news. I wonder how my unemployed friend is going to react when I tell him that, despite the really tough time his family is enduring right now, his continued unemployment is actually good news.

The president’s predictable spin aside, check out these presidential comments courtesy of

Still, state and local governments with “huge budget caps” that have been forced to lay off “essential public servants” have harmed communities as well as “the economy as a whole,” he said. “We are working with Congress to find ways to keep our teachers in the classrooms, the police officers on the beat, and firefighters on call,” he said.

“We’re not going to rest until we’ve put this difficult chapter behind us,” he said.

Hmm. So we will dive even further into deficit and astronomical debt, and that is going to get this country out of this fiscal mess? If that’s the case, then let’s hand over the federal budget to Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger since he’s doing such as an outstanding job putting California’s difficult chapter behind them. Or maybe we should look to Greece for tips.

Actually, we should look to Steve Forbes for guidance.