With all the hand-wringing and gnashing of teeth
that top Democratic leaders have shown over the upcoming ABC
mini-series on 9/11, one would think that sainthood was hanging over
the Clinton years.  Ok, so it wasn’t exactly the way it was
protrayed, but the events leading up to 9/11 left UBL on the
loose.  And since when in the good old US of A is it improper to
have an opinion about what might have happened.  Loose Change
has been floating around for the past year with an almost cultlike
following of folks who believe the Bushies orchestrated 9/11. 
(These are the same folks who also believe the same administration is
completely incompetent in almost every other way.) 

The real
question is, “what did the Clinton Administration do to stop UBL after
the embassy bombings, the first World Trade Center attack and the USS
Cole attack?”