The most powerful of the pols ensure that the car companies don’t close any inefficient, unproductive operations that employ the pols’ constituents. See George Will‘s description of Barney Frank’s recent effort to save a GM parts-distribution center in Norton, Mass.
Perhaps of more interest is Frank’s excuse: closing the Norton operation would have forced GM to truck parts from Philadelphia to New England, thus contributing to increased greenhouse gas emissions.
Wll responds:
Nowadays, green reasoning is the first refuge of scoundrels. Global warming has become like God: It is an explanation for everything and an all-purpose excuse for the political class to do whatever it wants to do. What a large portion of it wants to do?what it has a metabolic urge to do?is boss people around. It can maximize its opportunities for doing that if it maximizes the number of people dependent on government, and the number of ways in which they are dependent.
I suspect Roy Cordato would agree.