According to the N&O, “Tougher testing standards have caused more than half of Triangle public schools to fail federal requirements under the No Child Left Behind program.” School districts and their ilk like to blame every dip in pass rates on “tougher” state tests, but I have a few problems with this explanation…

What do “tougher” standards/tests look like?

Why were the tests “not-so-tough” to begin with?

How much “tougher” are new tests compared to old ones?

Similarly, do the current “tough” standards more accurately reflect proficiency than the “not-so-tough” standards did?

Why weren’t standards “toughened” long ago?

Why can’t/don’t our teachers adequately prepare students for the “tougher” tests?

What does a “tough” test question look like compared to the “not-so-tough” test question?