JetBlue, after 24 hours of righty blog commentary and some coverage by Bill O’Reilly, has backed away from its YearlyKos connection. It has asked that it’s name be removed from a list of sponsors. It gave 10 travel vouchers to the annual gathering of lefty wacko bloggers, probably not knowing what the heck the convention was all about. Well, now they do know and they want no part of it. As JetBlue CEO Dave Barger says in an official statement:
We have been surprised and disappointed that the donation of JetBlue travel (10 tickets total) to a bloggers convention has been misinterpreted as support and/or agreement with a politically centered website we have absolutely no connection with.
As a company we take no stand on any political issues save those directly related to air transportation issues.
If the nutroots really had as much pull as they claim, and as Democrats like Harry Reid seem to think they do, then mere association with them would not be considered a PR disaster, now would it?