With the city of Charlotte staring a minimum $9m. budget hole in the face the race is on to find savings — or hike property taxes this year.

One way to find savings, no raises for city employees. City budget director Ruffin Hall seems aghast at that idea:

In reviewing the money available for raises, Hall said the city will study whether the private sector and other governments are offering raises.

“We have a market-based pay philosophy,” Hall said. “Obviously going two years without a compensation adjustment would be difficult.”

What? Take a look around, Ruff. Unemployment in the county is 11 percent and inflation virtually non-existent, erasing the cost of living argument. Taxpayers know what a city “study” will turn up — exactly what city staff want it to. The potted plants on city council better not fall for this ruse because it ends in one place — a property tax hike.

The city expected sales tax revenue to be off 10 percent, turns out it is running 18 percent less than last year. Property tax revenue will have to be flat given the real estate recession. City staff is in complete denial.