Earlier this week I returned a piece of clothing I purchased a few days ago. As the store clerk worked on the transaction, he looked confused and told me he couldn’t figure out why the cash register was computing a different amount for my return than what I had paid for the clothing. I volunteered that it might be the difference in sales tax since the tax hike went into effect Tuesday. Now the 20-something youg man looked even more confused. The more I tried to explain that it was part of the billion-dollar tax hike courtesy of legislative Democrats and Gov. Perdue, the worse it got. Finally he just shrugged his shoulders and said “I guess.”

This is why so many politicians find it so easy to raise taxes. They know a lot of folks simply aren’t paying attention and/or simply don’t care. This is also why it is so important that fiscally conservative Americans make sure their kids and grandkids are grounded in market economics and the kinds of policies that lead to economic growth.