Here’s a conversation topic. Henderson County’s Sheriff Charlie McDonald is starting up what is referred to as a “sheriff posse” program. Private citizens are being trained to, among other things, ride along with deputies and search crime scenes.

The article tells of corrupt sheriffs who have served recently in the area. It subtly conjures images of goons doing their bidding, not to mention the neighbors spying on neighbors that is not uncommon to sheriff’s departments nowadays.

What do I think of it? Well, I’ll probably change my mind tomorrow, but my philosophy remains, “The best defense is self-defense.” Training others to help their neighbors is not a bad thing, but going so far as to certify those with training, thereby “unintentionally” further disadvantaging those without, would be a mistake.

On another track, people need jobs. They should get paid to work for the government; otherwise, they are, um, slaves?