THE PRESIDENT: Please be seated, unless you don’t have a chair. (Laughter.) So, like, what took you so long? (Laughter.) Welcome. And welcome to the citizens of the Red Sox Nation. (Applause.) I’m proud to be joined by the Vice President. He’s a Chicago Cubs fan. So, like, he knows what you’ve been through. (Laughter.) We’re really glad you’re here.
There’s been a lot of people in this town waiting for this day to come. Some have said it would be a cold day when the Red Sox made it here. (Laughter.) I am honored to welcome the world champs, the mighty Boston Red Sox, to the White House. (Applause.)…
You know, the last time the Red Sox were here, Woodrow Wilson lived here. (Laughter.) There were only 16 teams in baseball then. After the World Series victory in 1918, a reporter from Boston said, “The luckiest baseball spot on Earth is Boston, for it has never lost a World Series.” (Laughter.) That’s one optimistic writer. (Laughter.)…