The Legislature, who voted in the recent past to steal millions from local government, who increased spending by over $1 billion every year since 2001, who recently told us (per Donna’s post) that there was extra money lying around, and has been more interested in power sharing games than leadersihp has come up with another great idea to hurt local government.

Senate bill 508 and House Bill 648 will reduce county property tax revenue be exempting assessed tax value of properties that are partially developed, but unsold by developers. This could potentially reduce revenue to counties by millions across the state. With no other recourse, this could result in yet higher local tax rates across the state.

House Bill 635 also shows even more micromanagement of local government and would require 30 minutes of “public comment” prior to the beginning of every regular meeting. I actually agree with the County Association when they said that localities should probably ask for the same privilege before every House and Senate session or prior to all state board and commission meetings. Truly ludicrous!!!