First stop: Magnolia’s. Republicans sat at two tables, staring silently at the TV. The guy with the laptop couldn’t get a connection. Things were really quiet.

 Next stop: Buncombe County Board of Elections. The more conservative County Commission hopefuls were milling around, along with members of the media. People filed off in groups of two or gave the media their interviews. A few watched the scrolling results on the big screen. The place was dead.

Mason Jennings headlined at the Orange Peel. There was a crowd there. There was a game at the ballpark. Now, to find the Asheville Brewing Company. Trying to read addresses in the dark, I heard a shout. Then another. I just followed the excitement and found a rare parking spot nearby.

 People were still filing in. Obama was on the big screen. Well over 200 people were gathered. Obama was talking about, “The America I love, the America you love,” and the crowd was going wild. After standing in the overflow crowd, I tried to mash myself indoors, in the mosh pit, where I got squashed in the standing room only crowd. People cried and hugged and shouted on cue. Smiles abounded. A round of, “Yes we can!” broke out.

Coming home, I noted Jack of the Woods where Holly Jones’ campaign was hosting a party was full to overflow. I passed Dr. Mumpower’s office, where his party was scheduled. I only saw a dim light in the window.