I?m reminded of Roy Cordato?s musings about the North Carolina State Fair ?peace booth? when I read the following in Newsweek:

The broad outlines of the CIA?s operations to kill suspected terrorists have been known to the public for some time?including how the United States kills Qaeda and Taliban militants by drone aircraft in Pakistan. But the formal process of determining who should be hunted down and ?blown to bits,? as Rizzo puts it, has not been previously reported. A look at the bureaucracy behind the operations reveals that it is multilayered and methodical, run by a corps of civil servants who carry out their duties in a professional manner. Still, the fact that Rizzo was involved in ?murder,? as he sometimes puts it, and that operations are planned in advance in a legalistic fashion, raises questions. ?

The number of such killings, carried out mostly by Predators in Pakistan, has increased dramatically during the Obama administration, and these covert actions have become an integral part of U.S. counterterrorism strategy.

Where?s the protest march?