On today’s Carolina Jourhal Online there is an interesting article discussing the distinct lack of interest in a recently instituted trolley service in downtown Winston Salem. The purpose of the service is to encourage people to go to downtown restaurants for lunch. Below are two quotes from the article. The first is from a bureaucrat the second is from a restaurant owner. The quotes appear in different sections of article and the author notes no irony.

Quote 1
“Barnes…said the numbers must increase sharply…he is hoping that the return of warm weather this spring will help make that happen by drawing more people out on city streets and onto the trolleys.”

Quote 2
“Melvin Michael, who runs Murphy’s Lunch on Third Street, said he has found the lunch line to be a big boost, especially when it’s cold and wet.
Michael said he figures that when it’s miserable outside, the trolleys deliver as many as one quarter of that day’s customers.
‘When the weather’s bad it helps me a lot,’ he said.”