Fascinating update to the story of UNC’s Thought Police, also known as the UNC Study Commission to Review Student Codes of Conduct as They Relate to Hate Crimes. The group has decided it hates “hate crimes” but doesn’t want to use that phrase. From the AP (emphasis is mine):

WRAL-TV reports the UNC Study Commission to Review Student Codes of Conduct as They Relate to Hate Crimes says all of the system’s 16 campuses should have consistent language about hate crimes in their codes of conduct. But, the panel agreed, they do not want the words “hate crime” in the policy.

Why not?

Also, this additional note from the report on the commission:

At their Tuesday meeting, the group also agreed to support free speech on campus.

Well, how very generous and tolerant of them to acknowledge one of this country’s founding principles as they prepare to walk all over it.